A Running Success!


So this weekend was a big weekend for everyone in Cardiff with the half marathon – and amazingly it was a record breaking turnout. (One year I will be fit enough to be one of them!) We all went out to cheer them on and I stood there scoffing a bacon buttie, now only realising that must of been torture for the runners – sorry! But a big well done to everybody who ran, you make everybody in Cardiff very proud to live here.


Tonight, Hayley and I have been invited to trial the new menu for Wagamamas, and as food is my favourite thing of all time –we can’t wait! I will update you on the new menu, I’m sure it will be amazing though.

Freshers week is now over for all students and lectures have eventually begun (students spend more time on holidays than in uni!). Hayley and I are struggling to cope with the fact that we aren’t students anymore and can’t go out any night of the week, and as I have learnt this week – work is no fun coming in with a hangover! But I mean we can’t complain when we have perks of the job like eating out at Wagamamas!

As its nearly Halloween Jelly Belly have very generously provided us with a Jelly Belly Machine and a year supply of Jelly Belly’s to give away – so if you want to be in the chance of winning head over to Facebook for the details – www.facebook.com/cardifftimes.

Happy Reading!

Charlie xxx