DUETcare Dignity, Understanding Empathy Training



  •  After working for over 20 years in the Memory Teams of Bath and Cardiff, managing a nursing home and caring for people with dementia in hospitals, Jane Mullins, a dementia nurse specialist has created DUETcare, which focuses on helping professionals and families connect with the person with dementia through creative, sensory and innovative ways
  • Beti George, BBC broadcaster and actress, partner of David, who has dementia


All training encompasses the values base of Dignity, Understanding and Empathy by aiming to:

  • Maintain a sense of being and human worth by treating the person with dementia inclusively and respectfully. This includes learning how to weigh up risk with safety to help the person with dementia maintain control in areas of their life where possible –This is Dignity
  • Dispel myths and impart knowledge on the nature of dementia and how it affects the individual person, their lives and their families –This is Understanding
  • Train family members, communities, carers and health and social care professionals to move into the world of the person they care for through creative means and a use of the senses whilst looking after their own wellbeing –This is Empathy

Also will provide an online forum and advice for families and loved ones

Professor Tony Bayer, Director of Cardiff Memory Team, John Wyn Owen, previous Head of Health in Wales & advisor to John Major and the office of The Older Persons Commissioner have all endorsed DUETcare.  However, no funding available.


Now, I have until 20th November to raise funds


There are currently 670,000 family members caring for a loved one with dementia in the UK

In 10 years time it is estimated that over 1 million people will be diagnosed with dementia in the UK; more than the entire population of Birmingham; the UK’s second largest city

Many families will be affected by this devastating illness and this may include you

  • One of the biggest fears of being diagnosed with dementia is not being able to communicate your wishes. Of losing a sense of yourself and control over your life. This is a terrifying thought.
  • But what if you knew that people around you, within your community and care settings understood the difficulties that you may experience as your dementia progresses and continue to connect with you.  The future wouldn’t be so frightening, would it?

DUETcare can help teach carers how to maintain a connection with their loved ones or the person they are caring for, to help ease the burden and try and maintain a meaningful relationship between the two at that moment in time.

DUETcare is different from other training in that it offers coaching and mentorship to all involved and explores aspects of connection, spirituality and reconnection.

(When I use the term spirituality I do not refer to religion but to a deep connection between people and their environments).


DUETcare training modules are delivered to staff in care homes, health and social care professionals and families. Individualised bespoke training is available. I am the tug compared with larger institutions who are the liner; I can respond flexibly and timely to need!!

The DUETcare website will be developed following consultation from people with dementia, families and professionals to ensure it provides what is needed.

What do we want people to do?

Help Jane and Beti raise £20,000 to create the website with an e- learning platform, advice and support sharing forum (creating individual local forums throughout, so that people can link with their local groups) for families and loved ones, marketing costs, buy the equipment needed for delivery to care homes (electronic, reminiscence, sensory props) and to provide courses for people with dementia and their loved ones and print and publish the training programmes.





