Open letter to Max Hill QC calling for action on rape conviction rates


The Women’s Equality Party has published an open letter to the new Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill QC, calling for an end to the way the CPS handles rape and sexual violence cases in his first 100 days in post, signed by women’s organisations and campaigners.

Catherine Mayer, Co-founder of the Women’s Equality Party said: “Women’s rights campaigners have worked tirelessly to puncture rape myths and stereotypes about women who are the victims of sexual violence.

“Their efforts had seen the number of rapes being reported, prosecuted and ending in a conviction rise steadily, with the number of rape charges peaking in 2015-16.

“In the year of #metoo we should be seeing the criminal justice system work harder than ever to demonstrate that it takes these crimes seriously, and to give women confidence in a system designed to give them justice. Instead, the number of referrals, prosecutions and convictions for rape has plummeted, with the number of rape charges in 2017-18 at a ten-year low.

“In his first week in post, Max Hill QC has the chance to set a better standard for prosecuting violence against women and girls and prove his determination to prevent years of progress being unravelled.”