Student Volunteering Cardiff (SVC) Needs You!



Student Volunteering  Cardiff (SVC) is an independent Cardiff based charity that runs over 20 amazing volunteering projects that help people within the local Cardiff community. These projects range from volunteering on NHS mental health wards, volunteering with people with disabilities and learning disabilities, to taking young carers on fun day trips!

They are currently looking for Lead Volunteers to manage different projects and to lead volunteers in terms of when and where they are volunteering. Lead Volunteer roles will vary across different projects, however they will primarily be there to ensure volunteers are happy and that the partnering organisations are pleased with how the SVC project is running.

This is a great opportunity to get involved in the running of a charity, to make a difference in vulnerable peoples lives and is also great experience for future employment. If you are interested to learn more about these opportunities, or interested in applying to be a Lead Volunteer then please visit their website for more information: