
Visitors to Cadw sites across South Wales can explore hundreds of years of Welsh history this Easter (19 – 22 April) as the sights, sounds and smells of historic Wales return to seventeen of Wales’s most magnificent heritage properties. From Easter trails and crafts at a Cistercian abbey to Civil War re-enactments at Wales’s biggest castle, here are seven ways families can uncover Welsh history across South and Mid Wales during the Easter weekend of 2019 ― Visit Wales’s official…


Those interested in underwater archaeology, historic shipwrecks and coastal tales of disaster and bravery are in for a bitter-sweet treat this October. In celebration of Visit Wales’s Year of the Sea, Cadw has today (26 October), launched a brand new digital experience, which will allow users to re-live the infamous Great Storm of 25 – 26 October 1859. Available through the existing Cadw app, the new digital package uses audio-storytelling and augmented-reality technology in a steampunk design, to bring a…


Wales is celebrating the historic success of its national football team at Euro 2016 by offering free entry on Sunday 26 June to its historic castles and monuments. Having reached the last 16 in the 2016 UEFA European Championship at the top of its qualifying group, an epic achievement by all accounts for a small country of three million, people are now being given the opportunity to visit iconic Welsh landmarks such as Beaumaris Castle, Caenarforn Castle and Conwy Castle…