
Carers Trust Wales in partnership with all universities and Reaching Wider partnerships in Wales have released Going Higher: A carer’s guide to universities in Wales, a valuable, useful publication for carers of all ages considering higher education. A study undertaken by Carers Trust and the University of Nottingham in 2013 found that carers were 4 times more likely to drop out of university than students without caring responsibilities. More recently, this summer, a Carers Trust Wales survey on young and…


Carers Trust Wales, in partnership with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Community Pharmacy Wales, Carers Wales and Welsh Government, has developed a suite of resources to support unpaid carers  – those who provide support to a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health condition or an addiction cannot cope without their support – to be better able to access essential medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic. In recent weeks unpaid carers have described facing a growing range…