Responding to news from the Family and Childcare Trust that nursery costs in Wales have risen 40% since 2010, Julian Foster, Managing Director of Computershare Voucher Services, said: “Childcare costs are a major barrier to work for far too many parents. “Employers could do more to help parents by making flexible working opportunities a reality for employees at all levels. “There is still time for employers to set up their own childcare voucher scheme to help parents with childcare costs…
– From 6th April 2015 parents will be allowed to transfer Child Trust Fund accounts to Junior ISAs – Over half (58 per cent) of parents currently holding Child Trust Funds are unaware of the new transfer rules – There are over six million Child Trust Fund accounts in the UK Savings and ISA provider Scottish Friendly is today calling on all parents of children aged between four and 13 years old to check the status of their Child Trust Fund…