
CITY legal firm Clarke Wilmott has hired the first apprentice ever to be based at its Cardiff office in line with a call from Wales’ leading training provider for businesses to ‘think apprentice’ in 2017. Chris Matthews, 18, joins Clarke Wilmott’s administration team as the first candidate to be recruited as an apprentice into the national firm’s Cardiff office, which provides a broad spectrum of legal services for both individuals and business clients. Chris, from Whitchurch, fulfilled plans to access…


Leading lawyers Clarke Willmott LLP are expanding into South Wales with the opening of an office in Cardiff Bay. The move sees some of the industry’s leading housing and planning specialists working in the city and builds on Clarke Willmott’s recent strong track record in South Wales. It is part of the law firm’s UK-wide growth plans and comes shortly after the firm announced a growth in turnover from £33m in 2012/13 to £40m in 2014/15. The Cardiff team has…