
Heart of Cardiff inspired by the people and communities of the City Cardiff’s award-winning Sherman Theatre has announced its autumn season which includes the new audio series Heart of Cardiff, inspired by the people and communities of the city. The season also includes an audio version of a popular new comedy drama and two series of podcasts. The Sherman will also continue a programme to support freelance theatre makers and connect and develop young people. All of the audio and…


Clients from YMCA Cardiff tackled local political candidates at a hustings event on the 22nd March. In total, 80 YMCA service users – homeless hostel residents, young people and young carers came together in the YMCA theatre and asked questions around Housing, Lowering the age to vote, Mental health, Young Carers,  Bullying and other key issues. Candidates taking part were:- Jenny Rathbone AM (Labour), Amelia Womack (Green), Eluned Parrott (Liberal Democrat), Dr Dafydd Tristan (Plaid Cymru), Steve Williams (Trade Union…


A new agreement between Community Housing Cymru and Public Health Wales has committed the organisations to working more closely together to improve the lives and health of people in the most deprived communities in Wales. A Memorandum of Understanding signed on 19 November 2015 will ensure that the organisations work together to identify common problems and develop joint solutions. The memorandum is a commitment to a joint focus on prevention and early intervention, to ensuring work is informed by the…