
Left to right – Wales & West Utilities’ Helen Mabhena, Joshua Rankin & Lowri Rees celebrate donating to three UK charities Wales & West Utilities colleagues have donated money, that would have been spent on company Christmas celebrations, to three UK charities. In light of this year’s unique situation, colleagues working for the gas emergency and pipeline service in Wales and the south west of England have come together to pool money which is now set to benefit Marie Curie,…


As a new Welsh Government digital campaign begins on Housing Advice during Covid-19, Housing Minister, Julie James, has called on the people of Wales to seek help now if they’re experiencing housing issues. Developed with Shelter Cymru, the campaign will direct people to the Welsh Government website where they will be able to access advice related to different housing issues. The campaign aims to inform and reassure people that help and support is available and make it easier for them…