
    In recent years, an increasing number of young people have been gaining the interpersonal skills and confidence to make the transition into work, through a Prince’s Trust qualification delivered in Wales. Launched in 2016, The Prince’s Trust Achieve programme is a personal development course for 11 to 19-year-olds. Run in partnership with schools and further education colleges across Wales, including St Illtyd’s, Ysgol Y Deri, and Cantonian High, Achieve provides a practical approach to learning which supports young people…


As part of Capgemini’s ongoing Digital Partnership with youth charity The Prince’s Trust, an interactive digital skills course was held for underprivileged young people in Cardiff last week. The event was the first STEM course of its kind for The Prince’s Trust in Wales and was part of a series of programmes designed to provide them with the skills required to succeed in today’s digital economy. Get Started with Apps is an introductory week-long course, which gave 10 young people…


New research from the British Army indicates that young people in Cardiff are keen to be given greater opportunities to develop and demonstrate their leadership skills. Leadership was seen as one of the skills most valuable to employers (39 per cent) and almost half of Millennials in Cardiff want to manage and lead people, yet: just under one third of Millennials say they lack leadership skills one in eight have never exercised leadership in their lives before 66 per cent…


New commuter-friendly summaries of leading business books launched Britain’s rail network, buses and the Tube are about to be turned into the country’s biggest learning zone, enabling busy professionals to learn the lessons of respected business leaders and self-help experts in the time it takes to get to work in the morning. A new service has launched in the UK, Joosr (www.joosr.com) – providing downloadable non-fiction book summaries that can be read in just 20 minutes. The subscription-based app offers top quality summaries of some of the world’s most…


Agencies supporting UK’s young people need better collaboration to address increasingly complex issues says Central YMCA Chief. Research by charity Central YMCA has revealed the biggest causes of harm to young people in Britain today – with failing to succeed within the education system, a lack of employment opportunities, and issues related to body image topping the list. The research questioned 1600 16-25 year olds in the UK about the major challenges they face and the factors most affecting their…


WEDNESDAY 13 MAY 2015: Firstsource Solutions (NSE:FSL, BSE:532809), a global provider of customised Business Process Management (BPM) services, today announced details of its recruitment open day for 300 new full-time jobs in Cardiff. The roles will be based at the Firstsource Solutions centre in Cardiff Bay and are as a result of the award-winning firm expanding the customer management services it currently provides to global telecommunications and media company, Sky. The roles, unveiled in a new jobs announcement by the…


The roles will be based at the Firstsource Solutions centre in Cardiff Bay. The new jobs are as a result of the award-winning firm expanding the customer management services it currently provides to global telecommunications and media company, Sky. The roles include sales and customer experience advisors, dealing with inbound and outbound telephone calls.   Kathryn Chivers, Firstsource Solutions Vice President – Sales, said: “Firstsource Solutions is delighted to be able to continue to bring new employment to Cardiff.  We…