
Stay safe Cardiff, and prepare for extreme weather conditions – experts in safety, Arco, is urging local businesses in Cardiff to prepare for the winter months now. With reports of an increased risk of bad weather this winter[1], Arco recommends businesses to plan ahead with its expert advice sheets for business winter weather needs, including advice against flooding, effective salting and how to be weather warning aware. The series of Arco expert advice sheets can be found on the Arco…


The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has welcomed the news that fire and rescue services in Wales are to be given a statutory duty to respond to flooding emergencies. It now means England is the only nation in the UK where firefighters do not have a duty to respond to flooding. The new duty will come into effect in Wales on 1 April 2017. The Welsh Assembly has committed £1.8m in funding to replace ageing flooding and water rescue equipment as…