Newly diagnosed day in Cwm Taf. Parkinson’s UK Cymru A £350k funding boost from the National Lottery will give Cardiff’s Parkinson’s communities a stronger voice. The substantial grant, which has been awarded to Parkinson’s UK Cymru, will be used to make sure that people in Wales who have the condition get a greater say in how vital services such as health and social care are run. It will be ploughed into developing strong partnerships between Parkinson’s communities and local…
The Tool Shed project by CBSA is now using their van (normally used to deliver tools) to deliver food parcels in the community The National Lottery is making a major contribution towards the national effort by repurposing funds to combat the effects of Covid-19, with many already announced over the last few weeks. Funding spans the arts, community and charity, heritage, education, environment and sports – it will help projects in the UK most impacted by the coronavirus and will…