
With spring in the air and the days getting longer, many will be taking the opportunity to tidy cupboards, scrub skirting boards and take old clothes to the charity shop. The concept of the spring clean is well and truly established in the British psyche but it’s more than just our homes that could probably do with a regular spruce up. According to Relate, 1 in 5 people in the UK are now living in what would be described in…


Mother’s Day is traditionally an opportunity to spend time with your family, feel appreciated and of course put your feet up.  But what about if you’re a single mum? Perhaps this is your first Mother’s Day without a partner around to make plans on your behalf and you’re not sure how to approach the day. With this in mind, relationship support charity, Relate Cymru has compiled tips on how to enjoy Mother’s Day as a single mum. Relate Cymru’s National…


Relate Cymru’s Christmas tension triggers (and how to avoid them)   Relate Cymru is anticipating a peak in calls in the New Year after relationship tensions come to a head over the Christmas holidays.  In January 2017, the charity experienced a 24% peak in calls* and a 47% increase in visits to the national website (relate.org.uk)**, a popular source of self-help and information for relationships. This rise in people getting in touch is a pattern they see each year but…


Relate Cymru provides relationship tips for couples in debt as new research finds one in seven people has hidden debt from their partner  As a new report from relationships charity, Relate, finds that one in seven people in debt has hidden debt from their partner, Relate Cymru has advice on how to adopt a more open and shared approach to finances. The report, In too deep: an investigation into debt and relationships, is sponsored by Provident Financial and explores the…


Relate Cymru offers tips for deepening your friendships In a UK-wide study looking at the state of social relationships, people living in Wales were the most likely to report having good relationships with their neighbours – 67% or two thirds.*   People living in London were the least likely to report good relationships with their neighbours (52%). A report on the study’s findings, You’re not alone – the quality of the UK’s social relationships, was released this week by national charities…


  Relate counsellors at Relate Cymru are preparing themselves for an anticipated spike in calls this September in the immediate post-holiday period in line with national trends. Relate saw a nine per cent increase in calls last year and is ready for a similar onslaught this. Relate Cymru wants couples to be aware that as well as a break, holidays can be a difficult time. And it is offering tips to help couples cope with this.   A Relate spokesman…


Relate Cymru and Mind Cymru are encouraging people to make a ‘relationship resolution’ in support of Mental Health Awareness Week. Relationships are key to good mental wellbeing – a recent survey by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) showed that 89% of people asked felt that good relationships with family and friends was most important to them. Mental Health Awareness Week organisers, The Mental Health Foundation, chose the theme of relationships to raise awareness of how fundamental they are to…


Relate Cymru’s tips to help relationships blossom this Mother’s Day   Mother’s Day is traditionally a time to celebrate that special woman in your life, but, according to figures released this week by leading relationships charity Relate, a significant proportion of us admit that our relationship with our mum could be better.   In a YouGov poll of over 5000 people across the UK, over half (58%) of people living in Wales said they have a ‘very good’ relationship with…