
Over 200 staff from across South Wales Fire and Rescue Service have volunteered to support their communities and blue light colleagues by offering support including driving ambulances over the past six months of the pandemic. Since last summer 33 firefighters from across the Service have completed the specialist training programme and have been actively supporting our communities and 999 family as part of the Covid-19 response. This deployment requires personnel to complete a joint course facilitated by the Welsh Ambulance…


  During these unprecedented times, fire services across Wales are urging the public not to be tempted to burn garden or household waste. What may have been intended to be just a small fire, or just a bit of fun, can quickly spread to become out of control. Last year, there were nearly 4000 rubbish fires across Wales, with the main causes being household bin bags, fly tipped furniture and litter which are consequently being deliberately set alight. It can all…


More vulnerable people in South Wales will be helped by Wales & West Utilities after South Wales Fire and Rescue Service received training on the vast range of support measures and services available. The gas emergency and pipeline service linked with partners including Care & Repair Cymru, South Wales Fire & Rescue Service and Warm Wales, to educate them on dealing with people in vulnerable situations, whilst also providing them with the latest information on the support measures Wales &…