
  “While it’s encouraging to see an increase in uptake levels of bowel cancer screening in Wales, these latest figures are still lower than elsewhere in the UK.”   “Screening is vitally important and has been proven to save lives. There are still 16,000 people in the UK dying from bowel cancer, yet it is both treatable and curable if diagnosed early. For people of screening age, taking part in bowel cancer screening is the best way to get diagnosed…


Research finds we wait two weeks before seeking help for poor health and 9/10 of us lie when asked if we’re feeling OK Pharmacy launches at-home checklists to help us take charge of our daily wellbeing   Far from feeling 100%, people in the UK only rate themselves as being 61% well on an average day* but typically wait two weeks before seeking professional help for a health concern – with GPs still the first port of call. Across the…