
Public libraries in Wales are celebrating the Winter of Wellbeing campaign with three days of online national events this March (15-17). Schools and colleges across the country are being invited to tune in to join a fantastic line-up of authors and ambassadors who’ll be shining a light on the power of reading to help us cope in tough times and to connect us to others, through music, poetry, chat and debate. The Winter of Wellbeing is the Welsh Government’s cross-sector…


One of the biggest challenges for us parents is finding clever ways to help our kids maintain some sort of motivation, resilience and good study habits, and simultaneously make sure well-being is not suffering. Kids are missing their friends and need to use their phone to ‘meet up’ virtually. But where do we draw the line? How much is enough? There is no surprise that kids find the pressures of independent learning difficult, which in turn can have a detrimental…


‘LOCKDOWN’ by Michael James   Lockdown is a prison protocol that prevents people or information from leaving an area. It can also be used to protect people from a threat or other external event.  (Edited from Wikipedia).  Sounds about right for the position we find ourselves in at the moment. Lockdown, as we have become used to during the COVID-19 Pandemic, has made us prisoners in our own homes and prevents us from leaving an area, except for very limited and…


For those who have recently lost their mum or continue to struggle with the bereavement, each day can feel like a marathon. But with Mother’s Day looming, the day itself can bring with it a rollercoaster of emotions. With social media full of tributes, shops full of cards and gifts, as well as inboxes filled with reminders, there is no getting away from it. However, there are a few things you can do to make the day a little easier….


There are never enough hours in the day or days in the week to get everything done. The bare essentials may make it through but looking after us often ends up at the bottom of the list. It’s crazy – because looking after ourselves saves time in the long term, as we are able to function more efficiently and less likely to succumb to illness when we are healthy. But when life is out of control, try to find just…


Swansea is the UK’s panic attack hotspot, followed by Wolverhampton, Cardiff, Glasgow and Birmingham, according to a new study into panic disorders, involving 3,000 UK adults.   The research, conducted by a team headed by panic disorder specialist Dr. David Sinclair, founder of bcalm, also revealed:   The majority (52%)* of us will have at least one panic attack in our lifetime (that’s more than 46 million panic attacks happening in the UK every year, or 120,000 panic attacks per…


A new agreement between Community Housing Cymru and Public Health Wales has committed the organisations to working more closely together to improve the lives and health of people in the most deprived communities in Wales. A Memorandum of Understanding signed on 19 November 2015 will ensure that the organisations work together to identify common problems and develop joint solutions. The memorandum is a commitment to a joint focus on prevention and early intervention, to ensuring work is informed by the…


A new agreement between Community Housing Cymru and Public Health Wales has committed the organisations to working more closely together to improve the lives and health of people in the most deprived communities in Wales. A Memorandum of Understanding signed on 19 November 2015 will ensure that the organisations work together to identify common problems and develop joint solutions. The memorandum is a commitment to a joint focus on prevention and early intervention, to ensuring work is informed by the…