Vaughan Gething, Health Minister of Wales has paid a visit to pupils at a high school who’ve decided to cut down on the use of plastic bottles. Pupils from St Illtyds Catholic High School, in Cardiff, believe that plastic bottles are contributing to the growing plastic pollution of the oceans and are on a mission to reduce their own plastic waste. Vaughan Gething praised the ambitious group of Year 9 students for raising the issue and for their conscientious work…
Baby Nellie Newbury is just a few months old but she has already proved to be the perfect teacher for pupils at a Cardiff primary school. Nellie and her mum Shelley are visiting Peter Lea Primary School every three weeks with the children’s charity Barnardo’s Cymru as part of a programme called Roots of Empathy. The programme aims to encourage pupils to have greater understanding of others, treat each other with kindness and eventually grow up to be good parents…