Hundreds of people joined the Cycle on the Senedd in Cardiff today to call for a doubling of investment in active travel. They heard pledges of support from representatives of all four major parties. The steps of the Senedd were crowded with people who had got on their bikes to lobby Welsh Government to fulfil the promises made in the Active Travel Act. Lee Waters AM (Labour), David Melding AM (Conservative), Dai Lloyd AM (Plaid Cymru) and…
At 1.00pm on Tuesday people from across Wales will “cycle on the Senedd” to lobby Welsh Government for an increase in investment in walking and cycling to £20 per head, as recommended in a recent report by the Assembly’s Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee. Welsh Government is currently spending just £10 per head, half of the level in Scotland. They will hear from representatives of each of the major parties as well as speakers from health and environmental organisations. The…