
As part of Capgemini’s ongoing Digital Partnership with youth charity The Prince’s Trust, an interactive digital skills course was held for underprivileged young people in Cardiff last week. The event was the first STEM course of its kind for The Prince’s Trust in Wales and was part of a series of programmes designed to provide them with the skills required to succeed in today’s digital economy. Get Started with Apps is an introductory week-long course, which gave 10 young people…


Residents in Cardiff spend nine hours each day connected to the web Residents would give up chocolate, alcohol and sex before broadband connection Average resident has three web-connected devices According to a survey of 500 consumers in Cardiff, the average resident is spending nine hours of each day online. Hyperoptic, the UK’s leading Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) broadband provider, commissioned the research to get insight into local web habits. Such is Cardiff’s love for connectivity that residents confess they would rather sacrifice…