
Futuregen by Dr Jane Davidson A new book by Dr Jane Davidson urges other nations to learn from Wales’ Well-Being of Future Generations Act.  In her new book, #futuregen: Lessons From a Small Country, ex-Minister for Environment, Housing and Sustainability, reveals what governments, policy makers and activists around the world can learn from the creation and implementation of the Well-Being of Future Generations Act, and the strong vision put forward by Wales.  Topics cover zero waste, supporting agriculture, supporting local…


‘LOCKDOWN’ by Michael James   Lockdown is a prison protocol that prevents people or information from leaving an area. It can also be used to protect people from a threat or other external event.  (Edited from Wikipedia).  Sounds about right for the position we find ourselves in at the moment. Lockdown, as we have become used to during the COVID-19 Pandemic, has made us prisoners in our own homes and prevents us from leaving an area, except for very limited and…


By Michael James Answer; When it is not only a place of worship but also tries to march in time with the heartbeat of its Local Community.   I am of course talking about, ‘The Church opposite the Claude’, or to give it’s proper name, Albany Road Baptist Church. It’s a Church with a growing reputation in Roath as a modern, relaxed, needs fulfilling environment which really means it’s banner headline which shouts out, “EVERYONE WELCOME”, without compromising its Christian…