
By Natalia Mavromoustaki  Have you ever found yourself standing in front of a mirror looking at yourself with lots of words spinning around in your head? Words like “ugly”, “fat” and “spotty skin”. I am sure that some of you reading this will be familiar with this scenario. This is a very common thing that many women face every day regardless of age. Before you continue reading this article take a few minutes to analyse the reason why you may…


The world-wide Refugee crisis is a very complex phenomenon which has affected most of our lives in the past year. Whether it has been due to sadness, anger, politics, images on television, or documentaries and so on. For me personally, my life was massively affected this year as the Idomeni refugee camp in Greece was my everyday life for five months as a volunteer. In October 2015, I decided I could no longer watch people suffer on the news, and…