
WYG to redevelop Suffolk House in Cardiff   21 March 2019: Professional services firm WYG has secured consent from Cardiff Council for the restoration and redevelopment of listed building Suffolk House in Canton, Cardiff. Working with developer Quin & Co Limited and local architect firm Connections Design, the project will include restoration of the original villa building and development of seven three-bed family townhouses and ten one- and two-bed apartments. Suffolk House is located within the Conway Road Conservation Area,…


Plans to transform the neglected Bishop’s Park in Abergwili into a community jewel and put it firmly on the tourist map have taken another major step forward after the Tywi Gateway Trust received a £23,500 from a national grant-giving charity. The grant from Allchurches Trust will help towards funding a sensitive restoration of the under-used Bishop’s Park site, particularly the revitalisation of the walled kitchen garden and adjacent bothy, which is leased from the Church in Wales. The Walled Kitchen…