Completing a half marathon is a huge challenge by most people’s standards. But Cardiff man Gareth Davies won’t let anything stop him from finishing his 13.1-mile run – including sight loss. Gareth, is taking part in the UK-wide Marathon Mates challenge this September to raise funds for sight loss charity RNIB. He will run a half marathon route around his local neighbourhood. Gareth was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa aged 19 and was registered blind five years ago. As a keen…
The coronavirus pandemic is a confusing and troubling time for us all. As people across the UK follow government advice to stay at home, many are worried about the impact this could have on some of our more vulnerable members of society who might already be feeling isolated and alone. It is perhaps an especially challenging time for the 121,000 blind and partially sighted people across Wales. Many rely on regular face-to-face connections with family, friends and key workers…