
St David’s College gives back to the community this Christmas. 64 people have been given a place to go this Christmas, thanks to St David’s students Staff and students at Cardiff-based St David’s Catholic Sixth Form College, have come together to raise over £1,800 for the homeless community in Cardiff. With the money raised, St David’s has provided 64 people with a place to go this Christmas. Just £28.18 buys someone three meals, a bed, a shower, a health check and treatment, expert…


St David’s Catholic Sixth Form College is celebrating a record-breaking turnout to its open evenings this November. The Cardiff-based sixth form college welcomed almost 1000 young people across the two evenings to its Penylan campus, all looking to take their next steps in their education. With an increased footfall of almost 20% and a 32% increase in completed applications since the previous academic year, St David’s is becoming increasingly oversubscribed. The College also recently celebrated its 30th anniversary of nurturing…


Building on the success of last year, St David’s Catholic College has delivered yet another rise in A level results for its students. There was a 4% increase in A* to A grades, a 4% increase at A* to B and 7% increase from A* to C. Three students have met their Oxbridge offers: Bethan James, Christy Nganjim, Anna Wright. In the college’s Honours Programme for gifted and talented students, an impressive 66% of students achieved an A* to A…