
Cardiff University’s drama society, Act One, have outdone themselves once again. Normally I would attempt to keep readers on their toes and reveal my verdict at the end of a review, but having been inspired by the topic of the show itself, I feel there’s no need to have a ‘little voice’ about it. This is a show to shout about! The Rise and Fall of Little Voice by Jim Cartwright, performed at the YMCA Theatre last weekend to raise…


  Alzheimer’s Society launches the UK’s first ever Cupcake Day in association with woman&home on Thursday 16 June Alzheimer’s Society staff members from Wales rolled up their sleeves and got baking this week to create Wales’ ultimate cupcake to raise funds to defeat dementia. The charity is calling on everyone in Wales to join in celebrating its first ever Cupcake Day on Thursday 16 June, in association with woman&home. Alzheimer’s Society surveyed 2,000 people to find out what their ultimate…


Clients from YMCA Cardiff tackled local political candidates at a hustings event on the 22nd March. In total, 80 YMCA service users – homeless hostel residents, young people and young carers came together in the YMCA theatre and asked questions around Housing, Lowering the age to vote, Mental health, Young Carers,  Bullying and other key issues. Candidates taking part were:- Jenny Rathbone AM (Labour), Amelia Womack (Green), Eluned Parrott (Liberal Democrat), Dr Dafydd Tristan (Plaid Cymru), Steve Williams (Trade Union…