Join The Wildlife Trust’s marine team on their epic Living Seas Wales roadshow tour of the Wales Coastal Path this summer! The roadshow kicks off at Aberavon Beach, Port Talbot and will then visit various locations in Swansea, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion before heading to north Wales for the last two weeks of August. The roadshow comes at a perfect time as we celebrate National Marine Week from 28th July to 12th August. National Marine Week is about celebrating…
It’s Year of the Sea in Wales and the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales’ Living Seas team at the Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre (CBMWC) need your help to tackle marine litter! Dedicated to conserving the marine wildlife of Cardigan Bay through research, awareness raising and education, tackling issues such as litter in the marine environment is part of our ongoing conservation efforts locally. For over 15 years staff and volunteers at the CBMWC have been cleaning up…
The Wildlife Trust debuts first ever Pop-Up Wildlife Garden in the Capital Did you know that there is more space managed as garden in the UK than all nature reserves put together? Imagine what a difference we could make if everyone did something for wildlife in their gardens. The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales are reaching out to Cardiff residents to encourage people to garden with wildlife in mind. The Wildlife Trust’s ‘My Wild Cardiff’ project, funded with…