
Wales Nature week runs from June 2nd – 9th. To celebrate it this year, Bee Friendly Cardiff has teamed up with local businesses to bring much-needed attention to the plight of pollinators     By creating and serving dishes made entirely from ingredients made through the process of pollination, we aim to show Cardiff just how important bees and other pollinators are when it comes to our daily diet. If we can still eat delicious dishes that these businesses are serving, imagine…


Allergy Awareness Week runs from 20th April to 26th April and is organised by Allergy UK to support allergy sufferers and raise awareness of the issues they face.   In the UK, the number of allergy sufferers increases by five per cent year on year, with half of those affected being children[1]. With such a large amount of adults and children affected, the development of products that are allergy friendly is key in helping sufferers minimise their symptoms.   Aquaint…


Join national charity Together for Short Lives and children’s hospice services across the country for this year’s Children’s Hospice Week (11-17 May 2015). It’s the UK’s only awareness raising and fundraising week for children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions and the services, like children’s hospices, that support them. This year Children’s Hospice Week will be focussing on Making every moment count to highlight how precious time is for families caring for a child who may not live to reach adulthood and how children’s…