
Popping in to the Cards for Good Causes Shop at St John the Baptist Church in Cardiff to buy Christmas cards has become a local tradition for so many people. This year though has been a challenge with the shop being unable to open. But you can’t keep a good pop-up down! The shop has moved just up the road to the High Street Arcade in Castle Quarter. The Arcade, completed in 1885, was once home to a sea of…


This Easter, the British Heart Foundation is coming to the rescue of parents nationwide, asking them to clear out all those pre-loved toys and help raise funds for vital heart research.  Simply request a free pick up and we’ll do the rest!   From cuddly toys to train sets – and everything in between – this Easter, the British Heart Foundation is appealing to parents across Britain to stop tripping over those pieces of Lego and call its dedicated team of toy collectors.   To coincide with the Easter break, from Monday 8th April until Friday 12th, the…


  Hundreds of people joined the Cycle on the Senedd in Cardiff today to call for a doubling of investment in active travel.  They heard pledges of support from representatives of all four major parties.   The steps of the Senedd were crowded with people who had got on their bikes to lobby Welsh Government to fulfil the promises made in the Active Travel Act.   Lee Waters AM (Labour), David Melding AM (Conservative), Dai Lloyd AM (Plaid Cymru) and…


At 1.00pm on Tuesday people from across Wales will “cycle on the Senedd” to lobby Welsh Government for an increase in investment in walking and cycling to £20 per head, as recommended in a recent report by the Assembly’s Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee.  Welsh Government is currently spending just £10 per head, half of the level in Scotland. They will hear from representatives of each of the major parties as well as speakers from health and environmental organisations. The…


The British Heart Foundation praises dedicated efforts of community fundraising in south and east Wales and urges people to continue their support. New figures released today by the British Heart Foundation Cymru (BHF Cymru) show residents in south and east Wales raised an incredible £265,288 for the charity’s life saving research last year by fundraising in their community. People across south and east Wales have shown they’re all heart, undertaking countless fundraising activities – from the weird to the wonderful…


Rachel Owen, a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Cardiac Rehabilitation from Cardiff in Wales has been highly commended for Leadership and Engagement in the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Alliance Awards, at the annual British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) conference in Manchester. The award, presented by Simon Gillespie, Chief Executive of the BHF which is a key supporter of the conference – recognised Rachel, 50, for demonstrating bravery, compassion and drive in her day to day work. In her role Rachel has shown…


Cardiff residents wanting to get healthier this summer now have extra support to achieve their goals thanks to a new, free online tool. The ‘Let’s Do This Eight Week Challenge’ has been developed by the National Charity Partnership, a partnership between Diabetes UK, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and Tesco, and allows users to set and track their health-related goals over an eight week period. Goals focus on everyday changes – such as consuming healthier drinks and eating smaller portion…


~ As the National Assembly for Wales join in support of May Measurement Month, BHF Cymru and Cardiff Metropolitan University call for further research in Wales into causes of hypertension ~ High blood pressure is the largest known risk factor for cardiovascular disease and 1 in 6 adults in Wales have been diagnosed. Research by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Cymru shows that for every 10 people diagnosed with high blood pressure, 7 remain undiagnosed and untreated – there could…


Research by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) has helped halve death rates from heart and circulatory disease in Wales over the past 50 years. Our scientific research has helped to revolutionise treatments which means that around 70% of people now survive a heart attack. Our research has also pioneered the surgical techniques that ensure most babies now survive congenital heart disease. Before the BHF, 4 in 5 children born with congenital heart disease died before their first birthday. Today thanks…