
This time last year, Maia Bank was forced to close her beloved toy shop business following the strain of the pandemic. Now, the mum-of-two is single-handedly putting her stock to good use by helping the local community, thanks to The Health Lottery. Maia, 38, from Cardiff has set up a weekly stay and play session where local families can meet and borrow toys in the Grangetown area of the city. Thanks to £17,808 funding raised through The Health Lottery, Maia is able to run an extra…


Charities and good causes across Wales are being encouraged to apply for a funding boost via grants provided by Postcode Community Trust. The trust is now accepting applications to support local causes in their activities with funding. Organisations can apply for a grant of up to £20,000 for activities from the trust which is funded by the players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Since the beginning of the year, the trust has given grants to 36 organisations in Wales, with almost…


What an unusual and challenging few weeks it has been due to the pandemic we are all facing, and it’s not over yet sadly. Every day we are faced with new challenges, changes to laws, potential job losses, activity losses and most terrifyingly, lives lost. All of this has had an understandable impact on everyone, their health and well-being, financial stability and security, relationships and sense of being. It must be incredibly hard for those who have lost business, jobs,…


  The group is made up of representatives from Crimestoppers, as well as the Newport Serious Organised Crime Stakeholder Group who helped to launch the campaign today – including Gwent Police, Newport Council, Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service, Newport City Homes and Barnados.   The charity Crimestoppers today launched a new campaign in Newport to help target and prevent serious organised crime carried out by criminal gangs. Crimestoppers’ digital campaign will highlight the impact that these gangs have on our…


  The lost communities of Cardiff’s docklands are to feature in a new four-part tv series on ITV Cymru Wales. ‘Dock of the Bay’ examines the transformation of the city’s waterfront from Tiger Bay to Cardiff Bay. It also chronicles the history and demolition of Newtown, nick-named ‘Little Ireland’ and Lower Splott, a community that was built in the shadow of the giant East Moors steelworks. The series celebrates the present day diversity of the Bay and goes behind the scenes…


Cardiff-based Coles Funeral Directors is going from strength to strength as it announces the opening of its second premises, the creation of between seven to ten new jobs and four award-nominations. The family-run business will be opening a second funeral home in Cardiff in October 2018 to better serve its growing customer base in the North of Cardiff. The old Barclay’s Bank on Heathwood Road, which was once a hub of the community, is finally getting its new lease of life…


People in Cardiff and the Vale requiring neurological rehabilitation will now be able to access free exercise and activity groups within the local community   Following significant investment by Welsh Government into the development of a community neurological rehabilitation service, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has set up a partnership venture with Greenwich Leisure LTD (GLL) who manage Better leisure centres in Cardiff to enable people with neurological conditions to use local leisure facilities. The project has been set…


Six in ten people across Wales believe their standard of living is worse than that of their parents’ generation according to Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland’s ‘State of the Nation’ report. The report has examined the social and community issues affecting locals in Wales along with a barometer on how people feel life compares now with previous generations. The report found the biggest issues that residents in Wales worry about included mental health (63%), supporting those who are…


The Big Lunch, the largest gathering of neighbours in the UK, is back, and this year it’s aiming to smash the number of people involved in Wales. Organised by Eden Project Communities, 2017 saw more than 350,000 people in Wales (12% of the population) either attending or organising a Big Lunch event. More than just a meal, The Big Lunch aims to combine food with fun in order to improve the happiness and well-being of people across the UK and…


The Patient Experience Team at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board have organised group activity sessions at University Hospital Llandough aimed at bringing staff, patients and the local community together to help tackle loneliness and isolation in hospital. There are two activity groups which patients, staff and the local community are welcome to come join in with.  The knit and natter group takes place every Monday between 2pm-4pm in the Information and Support Centre at University Hospital Llandough.  All wool…