
Facing The Music is a campaign I started after a recurrent and life-threatening brain-tumour took my peripheral-vision. Ironically I began to see all too clearly the many ways you could be mistreated should you be considered “dis-abled.” Ways that would be considered totally unacceptable by anyone considered “able.” However, even worse, I also began to see that there would be little or no consequences for any of these mistreatments. This lack of legally-enforceable consequences for all disability-related mistreatment is what…


  Two dynamic, successful businessmen who have both been registered blind from a very young age, have developed a course to introduce the concept of self-employment to others.   Daniel Williams, from Cardiff, the director of Visualise Training and Consultancy, together with Manchester-born Ryan Compton, the director of Centre for Resolution, realised how the lack of support and information about self-employment could be holding many people back. They also identified how many could be using and developing existing skills whilst…


Here is a video of Bettsy playing tennis at Penarth Windsor Tennis Club  Action on Hearing Loss Cymru reports that there are 575,500 people in Wales who are deaf or who have hearing loss. Feedback from deaf tennis players across Wales suggests that due to the format of the game, tennis can be a lot easier to participate in compared to other sports. Talking about the benefits of hearing the ball on court, Wimbledon champion Andy Murray said: “It helps…


Founder of Visualise Training and Consultancy, Daniel Williams provided his specialist Visual Impairment Awareness Training to staff at Job Centre Plus, Harrow on the 7th of July 2015. Daniel, who is originally from Bath, trained advisors from the Access To Work scheme, training them to have more confidence when assisting, guiding and communicating with their visually impaired customers. Access To Work is a Government initiative that supports disabled people in the work place to remove any barriers they may face…