
My latest discovery brought me to the beautiful village of Llandaff, Cardiff. Known for its iconic cathedral, it truly is a picturesque location, just north of Cardiff. Seren Diemwnt is set on High St, which is a prime spot in Llandaff. The head chef and owner Gethin Rees has worked in hospitality since he was 17 and has a unique flare for creating hearty inspiring dishes. The restaurant name translates to diamond star in English which has a very personal…


Rookwood Hospital will be celebrating its 100th anniversary during 2018.  To mark this special occasion, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB) will be hosting a series of events for staff, patients, visitors and the local community. Rookwood Hospital is a rehabilitation hospital in Llandaff, Cardiff.  It is one of only twelve spinal rehab units in the UK. It is also a regional neuro-rehabilitation hospital as well as housing a geriatric day hospital, a geriatric intermediate care facility and a geriatric medicine rehabilitation ward. Cardiff’s Parkinson’s Disease services…


A local Llandaff North Scout Group are currently fighting to keep their hall from being sold – a feat that will not earn them a badge but a home for their treasured community. Scouts provides many services and activities for young people in Cardiff, from survival and camping skills to First Aid. But lately this group in particular has been channeling their energy into fundraising quizzes and bake sales in order to raise funds for their beloved hall. 04/06/2016 Pics…


A Cardiff teacher has become one of the first in the country to complete an innovative training course run by the British Council. The programme aims to create the next generation of well-rounded and truly global citizens among the UK’s young people.   The programme, called Connecting Classrooms, has been completed by Sarah-Jane Maples, who works as the Leader for Social and Cultural Learning and International Coordinator at Llandaff City Church of Wales Primary School in Cardiff. The aim of…