
The independent charity Crimestoppers has launched an appeal for anonymous information to urgently recover a car that may be linked to the murder of Tomasz Waga. 23-year-old Tomasz’ body was found by a member of the public in Westville Road, Penylan, late on Thursday, 28 January. It is believed that he travelled from Dagenham, east London to Newport Road in Cardiff, where a disturbance took place an hour before he was found. He died as a result of a sustained…


In the midst of a pandemic, there has never been a greater need to protect communities and our National Health Service from harm.  The charity Crimestoppers has today launched a new campaign with a stark warning that silence won’t stop violence, urging people to speak up anonymously to help save lives. Crimestoppers highlights a 93% rise in UK hospital admissions for knife attacks on under-16s since 2012.* Furthermore, violent injury costs the Wales NHS an estimated £13.9 million annually including…


Fearless.org, the youth service of the charity Crimestoppers, is launching a new film this week to raise awareness of how ‘County Lines’ drug gangs exploit young people to move and sell drugs. The film – ‘Running the Lines’ – was made for the Fearless Wales project by ‘It’s My Shout’ productions. It follows the character Evan who is groomed, exploited and threatened into becoming a drug runner for a London-based organised crime gang. The fictional story is inspired by accounts…


  The group is made up of representatives from Crimestoppers, as well as the Newport Serious Organised Crime Stakeholder Group who helped to launch the campaign today – including Gwent Police, Newport Council, Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service, Newport City Homes and Barnados.   The charity Crimestoppers today launched a new campaign in Newport to help target and prevent serious organised crime carried out by criminal gangs. Crimestoppers’ digital campaign will highlight the impact that these gangs have on our…


Public vote closes midnight on Sunday for talent contest run by Crimestoppers charity’s youth service Fearless A talent competition run by Fearless, the youth service of UK charity Crimestoppers, has been narrowed down to a final three, with the public vote closing on Sunday. The competition, titled FAME by Fearless, is for 11-16 year-olds and is being run by Fearless.org across South Wales, following on from a similar contest run in 2016 that covered the whole of the UK. The…


  The charity Crimestoppers has launched a national campaign to highlight the devastating effect of urban drug gangs across communities, and is asking for your help to try and tackle the issue by reporting any information on ‘county lines’ anonymously. County lines commonly involves dealers expanding their business by supplying drugs from urban to suburban and rural areas across the country. This can include market and coastal towns, using dedicated mobile phone lines or “deal lines.” A new UK campaign…


The independent charity Crimestoppers is running a new campaign in South Wales to help deter people from carrying knives on the streets. The rise of knife crime is a national issue and reports of individuals carrying knives in public increases fear and worry in communities. In the year 2016/2017, there were an estimated 910 recorded incidents involving a knife and sharp instrument in Wales, with 477 of those coming in South Wales. That equates to a 17% increase on the…


‘Fearless’ competition forms part of a wider campaign to raise awareness of knife crime in South Wales   Young people across South Wales are being given the chance to win a prize bundle worth over £250 by entering a talent competition launched by the charity Crimestoppers’ youth service, Fearless.   Called ‘FAME by Fearless’, the competition is for 11-16 year-olds, and will be the third competition the charity has run in the UK, accepting entries from across South Wales from…


EMBARGOED UNTIL 00.01AM WEDNESDAY 14TH FEBRUARY 2018 The charity Crimestoppers is today offering a reward of up to £10,000 for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or people responsible for the robbery of a man in Cardiff, that left him with life changing injuries 16 years ago. The incident happened on February 14th 2002, when barman Leon Adams was found at around 5.10am, lying on the ground at the entrance to Grangetown Train Station in…


New film encourages young people in Wales to be Fearless against crime Fearless, the youth service of the independent charity Crimestoppers, premieres a film in Cardiff today hoping to educate young people to speak out against crime in communities across Wales. The short film, made by ‘It’s My Shout Productions,’ features a series of fictional crimes witnessed by young people in different locations in Wales and shows them turning to Fearless. Ella Rabaiotti, Wales Regional Manager at Crimestoppers, said: “Young…